First Steps

You have reached the official blog of AFH (Aid for Haiti). At this point we are still in the early steps of forming an organization. We had our first official meeting on September 27th, 2008. We are exited about the possibilities of working together in Haiti over the next number of years. It is our aim in all that we do to be first of all doing All for Him. As time goes on and we continue to organize and plan for the future we will try to keep you up to date.

Currently we have established a board of directors which is as follows:
Elliott Tenpenny – Chairman
Philip Sutherland – Vice Chairman
Philip Rudolph – Treasurer
Caleb Trent – Secretary

We do have several full members and are actively in the process of recruiting several others. We have drafted a set of bylaws and are currently reviewing them for any mistakes as well as seeking legal input before considering them final. In addition we are drafting a mission statement and a brief doctrinal statement.

Today (October 2nd) Caleb and Elliott along with a professor that has been helping us quite a bit, Lester VanMiddlesworth MD, PHD are in Chicago presenting our recent research on iodine deficiency and endemic goiter in a remote mountainous area of Haiti. We have been privileged to both work with health care and ministry in a part of Haiti between Jacmal and Port-Au-Prince. The name of the local village is Patmos. It is our hope to continue working in that area and other parts of Haiti as we have resources.

Until next time,


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Published by

Elliott Tenpenny

Board Member