The First Girl’s Class in Haiti

The girl’s class I taught in Haiti two weeks ago went very well by the grace of God!  Monday morning we had a more girls show up than what I thought would, and before I knew it the limit of 15 had been reached.  We limited it to that because it was the first time and we weren’t sure how things would go.  That was all the girls that showed up first thing Monday morning too.  We had a couple others show up late or on Tuesday, but I had to tell them to come back another year.


First of all we did registration; took their names, where they were from, who their Pastor was, how old they were and their phone number.   Then we had a song and prayer, and jumped right into the lessons.  I didn’t have time to stop and think about how to teach, I just talked because I knew we were running tight on time and I had no time to be nervous!  It went way better than I thought it would, and the girls were very attentive.  Deb Vital was my translator, and she did a wonderful job!  I could have handed the lessons to her and she would have done excellently.  But she preferred to have me teach in English and then translate it, as opposed to her trying to read the notes in English and then talking in Creole.  (So I couldn’t cop out – not that I really wanted to!)  It was a huge blessing and help to me to have her enthusiasm and support and energy right there every step of the way.  I enjoyed teaching, if that is what I did- I still don’t know!  All I know for sure is that I talked, Deb translated, and the girls listened and asked some questions.  The first day flew by, and it was done before I could think much about it.



Tuesday did not go well for me.  Deb thought it went fine, but I had a very hard time keeping my train of thought and even finding words to explain what I was thinking.  I honestly think God gave me a bad day so that I would rely totally on Him for the strength to finish the week.  If it had all gone as well as Monday, I probably would have felt like “I can do this.”  Tuesday showed me very clearly that I can ONLY do this through the strength and grace of God.  The rest of the days went well, and I know it was only because of God.  Wednesday we had a lesson on hygiene.


I was able to get some Glo Germ, which is a lotion that glows under a black light.  We had the girls put on the lotion then look at their hands.  Some of them wiped their hands on a dry rag.  Some washed with water, some with soap and water, and some with soap and water and brush.  Then we had them look at their hands to see which way got them the cleanest.  It was interesting!  Some of the girls got their hands perfectly clean with just soap and water!  I rigged the black light up inside the box.




After class we made hand-washing jugs that help you use a minimal amount of water.  It was a bit hectic making the things, you have to soften/melt the base of the handle and pinch it together to seal it.  Well, it is a tricky process to not melt a hole, yet get it hot enough to seal.  I only had one big pliers to pinch them with, and at times there were four girls trying to give me their jugs!  Getting the strings to hang them by was not an easy job, but we eventually got them done. I hope that the girls will use them to wash their hands more frequently at home.







Rachel is a friend of Deb’s (and now mine too!), and she came along to the classes.  It is because of her that I have pictures to share with you!  It was good to see the girls accept her as one of them, she was a ‘blan’, but yet she was a student.  I think it was very good that she was there, and she was a big help if we needed an extra hand!  The girls loved her!



The girls loved illustrations.  The Haitians think in pictures, and I find that is becoming more and more true of myself.  So we used as many pictures as we could to illustrate verses, and to have other illustrations for other concepts.  The subjects of modesty and purity were towards the end of the week, and I was surprised to see how well the girls listened.  With some of them I could see an immediate change, as if they were wondering and found the answer.  Others didn’t really seem to care.  But the truth was presented, and now it is God’s to work in the hearts.




Deb taught the last class alone; it was on relating to young men, and I thought it might be better if she just taught it.  I would do it if I had to, but with her being a married woman, and older than me, I thought she would have a lot more clout and respect in that subject.


Before Deb’s lesson on Friday morning, we took our class down and sat in on a class being taught to the pastors.  It was on “A Woman’s Role in the Church”.  We had had one of the girls ask us about that specifically, so it was a perfect answer to the question.

God was so good in blessing the teaching, and I had one of the girls write me two letters.  Here they are, translated as best I could.

Vijinya, (I love the way they spell my name!)

Good morning. How are you my friend.  I’m writing this letter in the name of God who has all power, and to tell you thank you for what you do for me and for what you are continuing to do for me.  I always love you, and I always hold to the information you are teaching people.
I am praying for you, for God to bless you and your mama and your papa.  Always continue working, I am thinking of you.  
I am happy for the things you taught us. 

Thank you.  Christela

My Friend, I am sad that you are going.  Because I don’t know when you are coming back.  I wish for the passing of a year.  Always hold the feet of God, one day God will bless you.  I am praying for God to give you more vision and more intelligence.
I don’t know how much thanks to give you, but God will thank you more. 
(in English she wrote) I love you my friend.  Jesus loves you.

Good work.
Another time.

I am thankful for the blessing of God.  Some of the girl’s lives will be changed, some will not.  It is all in God’s hands.  I hope that He gives me many more opportunities to share His love and truth in this way.  Thank you all so much for your prayers!  I could tell that you were praying and that it was God working.  May He get all the glory!