Machines for Haiti

About two weeks ago in Haiti, someone borrowed my brother Michael’s 4-wheeler and… well let’s just say it ended up at the bottom of a very steep mountain side when the  road was still at the top of the mountain.  Thank God no one was killed!   But that was the end of that 4-wheeler, except for a few engine parts that can be reused.  My dad found another 4-wheeler same make and just a little newer, and God graciously had it listed at a reasonable price to buy and ship down.   It is really expensive to ship things like that down if they are new; I think that the customs fee is about half the price you paid for the machine.

So, Daddy called the shipping company and there is a ship going out this week to get to Haiti next week.  That put us in fast forward to get everything ready.  You see, a couple months ago, AFH bought a Bobcat to send down, and Michael has been waiting to have his 4-Runner shipped down.  Papa and my sisters have been working on getting the Bobcat ready to send, spending many Saturdays reinforcing weak points, building tool boxes, adding a horn, lights, hand bars, windshield, etc.  It was a lot of work but now the machine should last a lot longer.  Also, we had to fill the 4-Runner, no sense in sending down an empty vehicle.  There are many things that Michael needs now that he is building, and most of them are super expensive or very poor quality in Haiti.  We take our opportunities to send what we can!

We loaded on the back of the Bobcat a small 4-wheeler we have had for a long time.  It is going to be mine to use when I go back.  I won’t take it out of the mountains I don’t think; it isn’t very trip worthy.  But it will be nice for getting around in the several communities in the area, where I hope to teach health classes.  This is Micheal’s 4-wheeler and the Bobcat with mine on it.


These all have to be taken to Florida to be shipped, so Daddy and my brother Timothy loaded them up.  Here is a picture of the load.


They left yesterday and were dropped off today.  I heard that travel went well, PTL!  Now we need to pray that it all gets through customs well, and that nothing disappears out of the 4-Runner.  Thank you for praying for us and our work in Haiti, it means more than you know!

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Published by

Elliott Tenpenny

Board Member

2 thoughts on “Machines for Haiti”

    1. I’m sorry it has been a bit before I responded. My dad was in Haiti, and I just remembered to ask him your question. We shipped them through Monarch Shipping in Florida to St. Marc, Haiti.

      Thanks for reading the blog! God bless you!

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